First of all, for those who don't know, progressive lenses have different prescriptions to see well up close, far away and in between.

We tell you
1 – They are not for everyone
If you are under 40, these glasses are probably not for you. They correct presbyopia, which usually appears from this age onwards.
2 – Adapting to progressive lenses is not an easy task
At first you may feel dizzy. To see up close or far away, you will have to coordinate eye movements with those of your head when using one field of the lens or another. This learning process may take several weeks.
3 – They have wide or narrow fields of vision
If your vision needs are minimal, narrow fields are not worth it! If all opticians offered a single range, with the low cost of current technology, only wide fields would be offered. It is easier to adapt!
4 – They are usually expensive, unfortunately…
Whether you are a progressive lens user or not, you should know that paying €500 for quality progressive lenses is outrageous. And the fact that they are progressive lenses does not justify it. Enough of abusive margins!
5 – If you give enough quality and adapt, your life will improve
We can say that high-end progressive ophthalmic lenses generate a greater positive impact on the visual health of progressive lens users.
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